ALMIRASADARAlmira Sadar v svojih kolekcijah s poudarkom na ročnem delu opozarja na pozabljene kulturne vrednote in trajnost, poudarja lokalno pred globalnim in v izdelkih razvija osebno noto ter čustveno komponento. Trdno verjame v razvoj osebnega stila, ki ga razvija z raziskovanjem tekstilnih materialov in njihovim spreminjanjanjem v nove silhuete. |
ALMIRASADARAlmira Sadar draws attention to forgotten cultural values and sustainability in her collections with a focus on craftsmanship, emphasising the local over the global and developing a personal touch and emotional component in her products. She strongly believes in developing a personal style, which she cultivates by exploring textile materials and transforming them into new silhouettes. |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
V gozduSprehod v gozdu, skrite steze v praproti, presenečeni pogledi gozdnih živali izza dreves… V silhuetah urbanih oblačil s poudarjenimi dodatki, izdelanimi v različnih tradicionalnih ročnih tehnikah, Almira Sadar raziskuje odnose med oblačili za prost čas, delovnimi oblačili in oblačili za dom. Med seboj meša njihove funkcije in jim omogoča različne načine oblačenja. Prepoznavna vizualna identiteta kolekcije predstavlja realistično in nosljivo kolekcijo za različne generacije. |
Presenting the collection:
In the ForestA walk in the forest, hidden paths among the ferns, surprised glimpses of forest animals behind the trees… In the silhouettes of urban clothing with accentuated accessories, made using various traditional handicraft techniques, Almira Sadar explores the relationships between casual clothes, workwear and home clothes. She mixes their functions and thus enables different ways of wearing them. The recognizable visual identity of the collection presents a realistic and wearable line for different generations. |
foto: Ana Hribar