BCEFW COLLECTIVE SHOWOd svoje ustanovitve leta 2018 Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency dvakrat letno organizira Budapest Central European Fashion Week, ki velja za glavni modni dogodek v srednjeevropski regiji. Že vrsto let je dogodek prvo stičišče širše javnosti, kupcev, oblikovalcev, vplivnežev ter domačih in mednarodnih medijev v regiji. Dogodki madžarske modne in oblikovalske industrije povečujejo turistično privlačnost države in gospodarsko rast, zagotavljajo prepoznavnost madžarskih blagovnih znamk ter prinašajo mednarodna naročila. Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA)Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency je bila ustanovljena leta 2018 z namenom učinkovite in strukturirane podpore vsem akterjem v modni in oblikovalski industriji, pri čemer sledi vnaprej določenim strateškim stebrom: strokovna koordinacija, izboljšanje dostopnosti in trgovinskih priložnosti madžarskih blagovnih znamk, razvoj izobraževanja in proizvodnje. Za uresničitev svojih ciljev HFDA vsako leto organizira domače dogodke, kot sta glavni modni dogodek v regiji, Budapest Central European Fashion Week, in razstava 360 Design Budapest, ki je prejela mednarodne nagrade. Poleg tega madžarskim ustvarjalcem omogočajo sodelovanje in debi na mednarodnih strokovnih dogodkih, kot je Milano Fashion Week. Njihove glavne naloge vključujejo strateško sodelovanje s strokovnimi organizacijami, povečanje izvoza in podporo strokovnemu razvoju madžarskih blagovnih znamk s svojimi mentorskimi programi. BCEFW Collective Show na LJFW #15Po udeležbi Ljubljana Fashion Week (LJFW) na Budapest Central European Fashion Week SS25 (BCEFW) se sodelovanje nadaljuje, saj BCEFW predstavlja posebno Kolektivno modno revijo v prihajajoči sezoni LJFW. Pet nadarjenih madžarskih oblikovalcev—SOPHIARON, SLANGSLANG, JUDIT BÁRÁNY, CHOKASSY in ACZÉL SÁRA LUCA—bo predstavilo svoje kolekcije Pomlad/Poletje 2025, ki predstavljajo eklektično energijo in nepričakovano kreativnost madžarskih blagovnih znamk. Ta izmenjava poudarja rastoče partnerstvo med obema modnima tednoma in misijo BCEFW, da poveže regionalne oblikovalce z mednarodno modno sceno. |
BCEFW COLLECTIVE SHOWSince its foundation in 2018, the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency has been organising the Budapest Central European Fashion Week twice a year, which counts as the main fashion event of the Central European region. For many years now, the event has been the number one meeting point among the broad audience, buyers, designers, influencers, and domestic and international media in the region. Hungarian fashion and design industry events increase the country’s tourist attraction and national economic growth, provide visibility for Hungarian brands, and result in international orders. Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA)The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency was founded in 2018 to support every actor in the fashion and design industry in an efficient and structured way, following predetermined strategic pillars: professional coordination, enhancing Hungarian brands’ availability and trade opportunities, educational development and manufacturing development. To realise their goals, the HFDA organises domestic events each year, such as the region’s major fashion event, the Budapest Central European Fashion Week, or the 360 Design Budapest exhibition, which has received international awards. Besides, they provide Hungarian creators opportunities for participation and debuting at international professional events such as the Milano Fashion Week. Their primary tasks include strategic cooperation with professional organisations, increasing exports, and supporting Hungarian brands’ professional development with their mentoring programs. BCEFW Collective Show at LJFW #15Following Ljubljana Fashion Week’s (LJFW) participation at Budapest Central European Fashion Week SS25 (BCEFW), the collaboration continues as BCEFW presents a special Collective Show at the upcoming season of LJFW. Five talented Hungarian designers—SOPHIARON, SLANGSLANG, JUDIT BÁRÁNY, CHOKASSY, and ACZÉL SÁRA LUCA—will showcase their Spring/Summer 2025 collections, representing the eclectic energy and unexpected creativity of Hungarian brands. This exchange highlights the growing partnership between the two fashion weeks and BCEFW’s mission to connect regional designers with the international fashion scene. |
IG: saraczeluca |
ACZÉL SÁRA LUCASára Luca Aczél je nedavna diplomantka na Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) v Budimpešti, kjer je pridobila diplomo iz modnega in pletenega oblikovanja. Med študijem je pridobila dragocene izkušnje kot pripravnica v znani madžarski modni blagovni znamki Daige. Sára je strastna do kostumografije, kjer vešče združuje tradicionalno obrt z modernimi estetskimi pristopi. Njeno delo odraža globoko razumevanje manipulacije tkanin in pozornost do detajlov, pri čemer njeni dizajni pogosto raziskujejo odnos med telesom in oblačilom, kar vodi do vizualno osupljivih in konceptualno bogatih kosov. V njenem delu je osrednja tema svoboda in želja po osvoboditvi, kar se izraža v kolekcijah, ki prikazujejo faze procesa osvoboditve in raziskujejo, kako lahko zunanje in notranje omejitve vplivajo na posameznika.
ACZÉL SÁRA LUCASára Luca Aczél is a recent graduate of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) in Budapest, where she earned her degree in Fashion and Knitwear Design. During her studies, she gained valuable experience as an intern at the renowned Hungarian fashion brand Daige. Sára is passionate about costume design, skillfully blending traditional craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics. Her work reflects a deep understanding of fabric manipulation and attention to detail, with her designs often exploring the relationship between the body and garments, leading to pieces that are both visually striking and conceptually rich. A central theme in her work is freedom and the desire for liberation, which is expressed in collections that showcase the stages of this process and explore how both external and internal limitations can impact an individual. |
IG: chokassy |
CHOKASSYje blagovna znamka, ki jo odlikujejo drzni in kreativni pristopi k modi, ki presegajo običajne okvire. Ustanovila jo je modna oblikovalka, katere vizija vključuje inovativne materiale in tehnike, ki oblačilom dodajajo edinstven karakter. Kosi so zasnovani za izražanje individualnosti in svobode, kar omogoča nosilcem, da se izrazijo na izviren način. Oblikovalka se osredotoča na ustvarjanje oblačil, ki združujejo umetnost in funkcionalnost, pri čemer uporablja različne teksture, barve in kroje, ki pritegnejo pozornost. Njena dela so pogosto navdihnjena z naravo in sodobnimi umetniškimi gibi, kar vodi do kolekcij, ki niso le vizualno privlačne, temveč tudi konceptualno bogate. CHOKASSY se zavzema za trajnost in etično proizvodnjo, kar zagotavlja, da so njeni kosi izdelani z največjo skrbnostjo do okolja in družbe.
CHOKASSYis a brand characterized by bold and creative approaches to fashion that transcend conventional boundaries. Founded by a fashion designer whose vision incorporates innovative materials and techniques, CHOKASSY garments possess a unique character. The pieces are designed to express individuality and freedom, allowing wearers to showcase themselves in an original way. The designer focuses on creating clothing that combines art and functionality, utilizing various textures, colors, and cuts that captivate attention. Her works are often inspired by nature and contemporary artistic movements, resulting in collections that are not only visually appealing but also conceptually rich. CHOKASSY is committed to sustainability and ethical production, ensuring that her pieces are made with the utmost care for the environment and society. |
IG: baranyjudit |
JUDIT BÁRÁNYBlagovna znamka JUDIT BÁRÁNY je rezultat inovativnega oblikovanja in tradicionalne obrtne dediščine. Ustanovila jo je modna oblikovalka Judit Bárány, ki se osredotoča na trajnostne prakse in etično proizvodnjo. Njena oblačila ne le izstopajo po svojem videzu, temveč tudi spodbujajo zavest o okolju. Vse kolekcije so zasnovane z uporabo naravnih in recikliranih materialov, kar odraža njen cilj združiti estetiko in funkcionalnost. Oblikovalka raziskuje prepletanje sodobnih krojev in klasičnih elementov, kar omogoča, da so njene kreacije tako elegantne kot praktične. S svojimi unikatnimi kosi ne le osvešča o dediščini in umetnosti, temveč tudi postavlja nove standarde v modni industriji, kar spodbuja kupce k razmišljanju o vplivu njihovih modnih odločitev.
JUDIT BÁRÁNYThe JUDIT BÁRÁNY brand is the result of innovative design and traditional craftsmanship. Founded by fashion designer Judit Bárány, the brand focuses on sustainable practices and ethical production. Her garments not only stand out for their appearance but also promote environmental awareness. All collections are crafted using natural and recycled materials, reflecting her goal of merging aesthetics with functionality. The designer explores the interplay of contemporary cuts and classic elements, ensuring her creations are both elegant and practical. With her unique pieces, she not only raises awareness of heritage and art but also sets new standards in the fashion industry, encouraging consumers to consider the impact of their fashion choices. |
URL: slangslang.com IG: slangsonja |
SLANGSLANGje bila predstavljena kot naslednica blagovne znamke Tyra Clothing leta 2011 na dogodku New York Fashion Week Nolcha. Ciljna skupina blagovne znamke so ljubitelji živahnih, karakternih krojev, ki cenijo udobje, funkcionalnost in trajnost v modi. SLANGSLANG ponuja široko izbiro oblačil, torb in čevljev, pri čemer posebnost kapsulskih kolekcij, ki nastajajo v sodelovanju s sodobnimi vizualnimi umetniki, leži v uporabi surovinskih materialov, deloma iz reciklirane morske plastike. Osnovne kolekcije so močno zasnovane na grafičnih elementih in vključujejo usklajene kose za ženske, moške in unisex, s poudarkom na zmanjšanju ekološkega odtisa. Poleg tega je kolekcija Morphosis x SLANGSLANG, obutev s podplati iz profila nekomercialnih pnevmatik, debitirala na Milanskem tednu oblikovanja, medtem ko so kolekcije SLANGSLANG x Back2Bag že vrsto let narejene iz deaktiviranih zračnih blazin in varnostnih pasov, kar je pritegnilo pozornost več visokokakovostnih avtomobilskih proizvajalcev.
SLANGSLANGwas launched as a successor to Tyra Clothing in 2011 during New York Fashion Week Nolcha. The target audience for this brand consists of enthusiasts of vibrant, character-driven cuts who appreciate comfort, functionality, and sustainability in fashion. SLANGSLANG offers a wide range of clothing, bags, and shoes, with a special emphasis on capsule collections developed in collaboration with contemporary visual artists, utilizing raw materials, partly made from recycled marine plastics. The core collections are heavily based on graphic elements and include coordinated pieces for women, men, and unisex, focusing on reducing ecological footprints. Moreover, the Morphosis x SLANGSLANG collection, featuring soles made from non-commercial tire profiles, debuted at Milan Design Week, while the SLANGSLANG x Back2Bag collections have been made from decommissioned airbags and seatbelts for several years, attracting attention from various high-quality automobile |
IG: sophiaronfashion |
SOPHIARONje neodvisna evropska blagovna znamka oblačil, ki jo je leta 2022 ustanovila Nóra Zsófia Szarka, s ciljem ustvariti drzne, a brezčasne kose, zasnovane tako, da vsakemu nosilcu pomagajo najti svoje korenine doma. Vsa oblačila so okolju prijazna in etično izdelana na Madžarskem, oblikovalka pa uporablja organske in reciklirane materiale, kar odraža njeno prepričanje o trajnosti in odgovornosti do okolja. Ime kolekcije RACINES, ki v francoščini pomeni korenine, simbolizira vpliv dediščine na vsakdanje življenje posameznikov, saj Nóra želi izraziti svojo kulturno identiteto. Oblikovalka se osredotoča na široko starostno skupino, saj verjame, da so brezčasni kosi primerni za vse generacije. Z raziskovanjem tradicionalnih tekstilnih tehnik in regionalnih ročnih izdelkov želi vrniti obrtno kulturo v sodobno potrošniško družbo, kar vključuje spoštovanje do dediščine in vrednot.
SOPHIARONis an independent European clothing brand founded in 2022 by Nóra Zsófia Szarka, aiming to create bold yet timeless pieces designed to help each wearer find their roots at home. All garments are environmentally friendly and ethically made in Hungary, with the designer utilizing organic and recycled materials, reflecting her belief in sustainability and responsibility toward the environment. The collection name, RACINES, meaning roots in French, symbolizes the influence of heritage on individuals’ daily lives, as Nóra seeks to express her cultural identity. The designer focuses on a broad age group, believing that timeless pieces are suitable for all generations. By exploring traditional textile techniques and regional crafts, she aims to reintegrate craft culture into contemporary consumer society, fostering respect for heritage and values. |