BOLOTgovori o drami, materialnosti in formi – še posebej o kontrastu med dekliško igrivostjo in ekstravaganco odrasle ženske. Blagovna znamka Bolot je brezsezonska, počasna modna znamka, ki dela s preostanki tkanin in proizvaja po naročilu. Z izdelavo samo tistega, kar je naročeno, zagotavljamo trajnost in zmanjšujemo odpadke, kar vam omogoča, da pozitivno prispevate k varovanju okolja. Glavni cilj blagovne znamke Bolot je pomagati ljudem nositi in kombinirati celotno garderobo, ter ji z Bolot kosi dodati svež pridih. |
BOLOTis about drama, materiality, and form—especially the contrast between girlish playfulness and the extravagance of an adult woman. The Bolot brand is a non-seasonal, slow fashion label that works with overstock fabrics and produces on demand. By producing only what is ordered, we ensure sustainability and reduce waste, allowing you to make a positive contribution to the environment. The main goal behind Bolot is to help people wear and combine their entire wardrobe, giving it a fresh twist through Bolot items. |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
BOW your wayNova kolekcija “Bow your way” pooseblja igrivost in veselje. Vključuje visokokakovostne izdelke, ki združujejo eleganco in domiselnost. Pentlje so osrednja tema, saj vsakemu kosu dodajo pridih spogledljivosti in romantike. Barvna paleta se vrti okoli odtenkov nude, črne, bele in modre, kar ustvarja prefinjen in brezčasen videz. Ta kolekcija je praznovanje nežne lepote, ki združuje razkošne teksture z modernim, brezskrbnim duhom. |
Presenting the collection:
BOW your wayThe new collection “Bow your way” is embodying a sense of playfulness and joy. It features high-quality products that blend elegance and whimsy. Bows are a central theme, adding a touch of flirtation and romance to each peace. The color palette revolves around shades of nude, black, white and blue, creating a refined and timeless look. This collection is celebration of delicate beauty, combining luxurious textures with modern, carefree spirit. |
foto: VanDeHart Photography