
PET // FRI — 11/10


  Vstop z vabilom ali vstopnico // Invitation or ticket only


Mladi so eni najpogostejših uporabnikov mikromobilnosti v Sloveniji. Žal so pogosto tudi udeleženci prometnih nesreč. Raziskava, ki jo je med uporabniki e-skirojev in e-koles, naredila Zavarovalnica Triglav kaže, da se med vožnjo z e-skirojem le dobra polovica počuti varne, tretjina lastnikov e-skiroja pa je že doživela nezgodo. Le vsak četrti uporabnik pri vožnji z e-skirojem vedno uporablja čelado, čeprav je skoraj dve tretjini takih, ki meni, da bi čelada morala biti obvezna vedno in za vse.

Zaradi neuporabe varnostnih čelad, odsevnih oblačil in dodatkov, ki si jih mladi med vožnjo z e-skiroji večinoma ne nadenejo, so se v družbeno odgovorni iniciativi »Ne bluzi, z glavo kruzi« Zavoda Vozim, Zavarovalnice Triglav in agencije Yootree Creative odločili mlade nagovoriti skozi inovativno kolekcijo sodobnih oblačil in modnih dodatkov. K sodelovanju so povabili mentorje in študente modnega oblikovanja Katedre za oblikovanje tekstilij in oblačil iz UL NTF, Ljubljana.

Študentje NTF KOTO na modni reviji predstavljajo kolekcijo na temo, kako varovalna oblačila in dodatke narediti sodobne, všečne, univerzalne, funkcionalne in atraktivne za mlade in tudi širše. K izzivu pristopajo sveže in neobremenjeno, inspiracije izhajajo iz zelo različnih vsebinskih izhodišč: večernih druženj, urbanega streetweara, poslovne mode, tradicije, odseva luči na cesti in v prometu …

V kreacije so vključeni najsodobnejši reflektivni in odsevni materiali, združeni s klasičnimi oblačilnimi materiali. V kombinaciji s funkcionalnimi materiali je prisotne veliko pouporabe, upcikliranja, recikliranja, izvedbe velikokrat kombinirajo ročne tehnike in sodobna orodja. Oblačila dopolnjujejo zanimivi in funkcionalni modni dodatki, ki združujejo varovalno in estetsko funkcijo.

Kolekcija ozavešča, vabi in nagovarja k razmisleku o varnosti v prometu.


Young people are among the most frequent users of micromobility devices in Slovenia. Unfortunately, they are also often involved in road accidents. A survey conducted by Zavarovalnica Triglav among users of e-scooters and e-bikes shows that only around half of them feel safe when riding an e-scooter, and a third of e-scooter users have been involved in an accident. Only one in four users always wears a helmet when riding an e-scooter, although almost two thirds believe that helmets should be compulsory for everyone, at all times.

Due to the lack of use of safety helmets, reflective clothing and accessories, especially by young people when driving e-scooters, the socially responsible initiative “Don’t Space Out, Stand Out” (Slovenian: “Ne bluzi, z glavo kruzi”) by the Zavod Vozim Institute, Zavarovalnica Triglav and the Yootree Creative agency decided to reach out to young people through an innovative collection of modern clothing and fashion accessories. They invited mentors and fashion design students from the Chair of Textile and Fashion Design at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering to take part in the project.
The students put on a fashion show to present a collection that explores how to make protective clothing and accessories modern, appealing, universal, functional and attractive to young people and others. They approached the challenge in a fresh and unencumbered way, drawing inspiration from a wide variety of contexts: evening events, urban streetwear, business fashion, tradition, the reflection of lights on the road and in traffic, and so on.

The creations incorporate state-of-the-art reflective materials, combined with classic textiles. In addition to using functional materials, there is a lot of reuse, upcycling, and recycling, with the designs often combining manual techniques and modern tools. The garments are complemented by interesting and functional fashion accessories that merge protective and aesthetic functions.

The collection raises awareness, invites and encourages reflection on road safety.


Mentorji: prof. Nataša Peršuh, assist. Sara Valenci, assist. Nastja Grmek

Študentje NTF OTGO, Katedra za oblikovanje tekstilij in oblačil: Anže Orešnik, Luka Bončina, Julija Čerček, Tandej Šandor, Pia Šilec, Alex Devetak


Mentors: Prof. Nataša Peršuh, assist. Sara Valenci, assist. Nastja Grmek

Students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design (OTGO), Chair of Textile and Fashion Design: Anže Orešnik, Luka Bončina, Julija Čerček, Tandej Šandor, Pia Šilec, Alex Devetak


Tomaž Apohal, Aleš Strajnar, Nina Mramor (Yootree Creative)


Tomaž Apohal, Aleš Strajnar, Nina Mramor (Yootree Creative)

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Cesta v Kleče 9, 1000 Ljubljana