DRAŽ pletenine od 1994Oblikovanje oblačil vidiva kot poslanstvo. Želiva ustvarjati vzdržljiva oblačila, ki bodo lastnikom in lastnicam nudila varno, udobno, praktično, lepo, vsebinsko in vizualno močno podobo ter trajno zavetje. Takšnemu razmišljanju in delovanju sva zvesta že trideset let. Za kvalitetno spletenim, oblikovanim in izdelanim oblačilom stoji ogromno znanja, dela, pozornosti, senzibilnosti in strasti. Vso to znanje in obrtniška spretnost ter doslednost se realizirajo v oblačilih Draž. Na ta način izražamo spoštljivost do materiala, svojega dela, okolja in ljudi, ki naša oblačila nosijo. Tako ustvarjenih oblačil ljudje ne zavržejo. Kadar jih iz kakršnega koli razloga prenehajo uporabljati, jih lahko prinesejo v naš studio, kjer jih v skladu z njihovimi potrebami in željami rekonstruiramo. Takšen pristop naju kot oblikovalca in osebi napeljuje k mnogim vprašanjem o smislu najinega dela, oblikovanja oblačil in smislu življenja nasploh. Kako v »modnem stroju« prenasičenosti najti pot do ravnovesja in harmonije? Kako izbirati in ustvarjati oblačila, ki bodo vsebovala elemente trajnosti, lepote, prijetnosti in tehnične dovršenosti? Kako vzpostaviti pravo razmerje med tem, koliko oblačil imamo in koliko jih uporabljamo? Kljub dejstvom, da je modna industrija takoj za prehrambeno drugi največji onesnaževalec okolja in je sama kot taka polna pasti manipulacije, smo oblikovalci njeno nasprotje: obrtniki, iskalci resnice, lepote in novih podob, tehnoloških rešitev in nerealiziranih krojev. Vodi nas želja po ustvarjanju oblačil, ki bodo ljudem v veselje in se bodo v njih počutili lepe in varne. Kadar stranke potrdijo smiselnost naših želja in dejanj s poročanjem o dobrem počutju v oblačilih Draž, ki jih z veseljem uporabljajo več deset let, je naš namen dosežen in krog od ideje do sočloveka je sklenjen. Urška in Tomaž Draž |
DRAŽ knitwear since 1994Since 1994, Draž Studio has viewed clothing design as a mission. We strive to create durable garments that provide owners with a safe, comfortable, practical, and aesthetically powerful image, offering lasting shelter. We have remained faithful to this philosophy and practice for thirty years. Behind the high-quality knitted, designed, and manufactured garments lies a wealth of knowledge, work, attention, sensitivity, and passion. All this knowledge and craftsmanship are realized in Draž garments, expressing respect for the materials, our work, the environment, and the people who wear our clothes. Such created garments are not discarded by people. If for any reason they stop using them, they can bring them to our studio, where we reconstruct them according to their needs and desires. This approach leads us as designers and individuals to many questions about the meaning of our work, the design of clothing, and the meaning of life in general. How to find a path to balance and harmony in the “fashion machine” of saturation? How to choose and create garments that will contain elements of sustainability, beauty, comfort, and technical sophistication? How to establish the right balance between how many clothes we have and how many we use? Despite the fact that the fashion industry is the second-largest environmental polluter after the food industry and is full of manipulation traps, we, the designers, are its opposite: artisans, seekers of truth, beauty, and new images, technological solutions, and unrealized patterns. We are driven by the desire to create garments that will bring joy to people and make them feel beautiful and safe. When customers confirm the meaningfulness of our desires and actions by reporting feeling good in Draž garments, which they happily use for decades, our purpose is achieved, and the circle from idea to fellow human is complete. Urška and Tomaž Draž |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
DRAŽ 2024/2025 Nit zgodovineZgodovina niti ali nit zgodovine? Neskončna nit je v središču naše zgodbe, a kaj počnemo z njo, določa nit povsem druge vrste. Tista, ki povezuje matere in hčere, pradede in komaj rojene, eno živo bitje z drugim in zemljo z nebom. Sledi teh vezi zaslutimo v jerbasih, čipkah, vezeninah, koših … Vezi med nami so najdražje, kar premoremo, zato smo iz njih spletli novo zgodbo. Navdih so bili nosilci spominov, predmeti Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja, ki smo jih prenesli v |
Presenting the collection:
DRAŽ 2024/2025 Thread of HistoryHistory of threads or a thread of history? An endless thread is at the heart of our story, but what we do with it defines a completely different kind of thread. One that connects mothers and daughters, great-grandfathers and the newly born, one living being with another, and the earth with the sky. We sense the traces of these bonds in bundles, laces, embroideries, baskets… The ties among us are the most precious thing we possess, so we have woven a new story from them. Our inspiration came from the memory carriers, items from the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, which we have translated into a contemporary woven texture. We unraveled tradition with artificial intelligence and created fantastical images, syntheses of different techniques and materials. The result is pictures of bobbin laces made from hazel branches, baskets from golden threads, woven into subdued, soft, and delicate garments for entangling in a fresh everyday. Those who will wear them will be bound to the safe haven of the past and keep pace in the search for what is most precious in life. |
foto: Marijo Zupanov