MADE IN ANSELMADÉMODÉLetošnja kolekcija je zastavljena malo drugače, kot naše prejšnje. Izkorišča format modne piste z vsemi atributi; video ozadja, glasbenega efekta ter gledališke enkratnosti. Je bolj konceptualna in gledališka; spektakel, sploh ne komercialna predstavitev izdelkov. Znamka Made in Anselma na splošno izdeluje oblačila iz odpadnega blaga. Stare zavese so kolateralna navlaka, ki se nabira ob zbiranju takega blaga. Letošnjo kolekcijo smo v celoti izdelali iz tega materiala. Kljub temu, da smo posegli po odpadnem materialu, kolekcija ‘Démodé’ nikakor NI trajnostna. Za izdelavo smo porabili veliko ur, elektrike, energije. Predvsem pa smo uničili, sicer stare, a uporabne zavese. Iz njih smo izdelali popolnoma neuporabna in nenosljiva oblačila, ki imajo edino prihodnost na odpadu. A dejstvo, da je kolekcija izdelana samo iz zaves, je zgolj medij in ne njeno bistvo. Gonilo koncepta je predvsem družbena kritika. Razmislek o absurdnosti sodobnega človeka, nesmiselnosti našega (civilizacijskega) početja in delovanja, pretiravanju in pomanjkanju na vseh napačnih ravneh. Kolekcija je izraz nemoči in nestrinjanja s trenutnim stanjem družbe in svetom nasploh. Tudi z nesmiselnostjo govoričenja o trajnosti, o počasni modi, o zelenem prehodu in podobnim. Kolekcija je posledično sestavljena iz absurdnih in nesmiselnih kosov. Površno in ‘nahitro’ pripravljenih dodatkov iz kartona, plasti zaves in papirja. Oblačila, čevlji in pokrivala ne služijo prav nobeni od svojih osnovnih funkcij: niti zaščiti, niti izolaciji, niti pokrivanju. So sama sebi v namen. In medtem zadaj teče voda. V prazno. |
MADE IN ANSELMADÉMODÉThis year’s collection is designed a little differently than our previous ones. It utilizes the catwalk format with all the attributes: video background, music effect and theatrical uniqueness. The show is more conceptual and theatrical – a spectacle, not at all a commercial presentation of products. The ‘Made in Anselma’ brand makes clothes from dead-stock fabrics. This year’s collection was made entirely from old curtains, a collateral clutter that accumulates when such materials are collected. Despite the fact that we resorted to waste material, the ‘Démodé’ collection is by no means sustainable. We spent a lot of hours, electricity and energy. Above all, we destroyed old but useful curtains and made completely useless and unwearable clothes from them, whose only future is in the waste. The fact that the collection is made out of curtains is only a medium and not its essence. The driving concept is above all social criticism. It is a reflection on the absurdity of modern man, the senselessness of our (civilizational) doing, the exaggeration and deprivation on all the wrong levels. The collection is an expression of helplessness and disagreements with the current state of society and the world in general. Also with the meandering about sustainability, about slow fashion, the green transition and such. and the like. Consequently, the collection consists of absurd and nonsensical pieces. Superficially and hastily prepared accessories made of cardboard, layers of curtains and paper. Clothes, shoes and headpieces do not serve any of their basic functions: neither protection, nor insulation, or covering. They become an end in itself. And meanwhile the water is flowing in the background. Into the void. |
foto: Marijo Zupanov