MAJA ŠTAMOLMaja Štamol Droljc je Slovenska modna oblikovalka, ki od leta 2004 uspešno gradi svojo modno zgodbo in ustvarja prepoznaven stil kreacij. Veliko pozornost posveča materialom in krojem, detajli pa so tisti, ki dajejo njenim kreacijam unikaten in poseben videz. Njene kreacije so stalnica rdečih preprog. 20 let ustvarjanja je letos v mesecu maju, praznovala z modno revijo v Dublinu. Način oblačenja današnjega časa in kombinacije, ki nastajajo v njenem atelju, omogočajo nošenje večine kreacij skozi vse leto ter hkrati skrb za naravo pa sta oblikovalko pripeljali do odločitve, da bo odslej pripravila le eno kolekcijo vsako leto. Je ena redkih oblikovalk v Sloveniji, ki s svojo ekipo izdeluje unikatna oblačila po meri, tako dnevna, kot kreacije za posebne priloznosti, kot so poročne in večerne obleke. Kot zunanja oblikovalka, je več let sodelovala s slovenskim podjetjem s 130 –letno tradicijo izdelave obutve : Kopitarno iz Sevnice. Njena kreativnost nima meja, v zadnjem času veliko pozornosti namenja kreiranju modnih dodatkov ter učenju zlatarskih veščin. Njena kreativnost nima meja, v zadnjem času veliko pozornosti namenja kreiranju modnih dodatkov ter učenju zlatarskih veščin. Ženska, ki nosi njene kreacije upira pogled v prihodnost, išče kvaliteto, unikatnost, sledi stilu oblikovalke ter ceni ročno delo. Majine kreacije so brezčasne. |
MAJA ŠTAMOLMaja Štamol is a Slovenian fashion designer who has been successfully building her fashion story since 2004 and creates noticeable clothing styles. She pays much attention to materials and designs, but it is the details that give her creations a unique and characteristic look. Maja introduced her creations at EXPO in Milan, yet one of her most successful presentations of her work was at the fashion show ‘Fashion Night Ignites – The Secret Language of Diplomacy’ in Washington. She celebrated 20 years of creation this year in may with a fashion show in Dublin. The current fashion trends and the combinations that are created in her studio allow wearing most of the creations throughout the year and thus she takes important steps towards sustainable fashion. As she truly cares about nature, the designer has recently decided to release only one collection a year. She is one of few designers in Slovenia, who together with her team produces unique garments tailored to individual needs. She makes casual, everyday wear as well more formal creations, like wedding dresses and evening dresses. As a freelance designer, she collaborated with a well-known Slovenian company that has 130-year tradition of making shoe wear: Kopitarna Sevnica. Her creativity has no limits. In recent times she has been paying special attention to creating fashion accessories as well as learning goldsmith skills. A woman who wears her creations is future oriented, appreciates quality, uniqueness, follows the style of the designer and values handmade garments. Maja’s creations are timeless. |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
20 yearsOblikovanje je odraz načina življenja… Je umetnost, trdo delo, vztrajnost, natančnost in perfekcionizem v detajlih. 20 let ustvarjanja, oblikovanja, krojenja, šivanja, izkušenj… Kolekcija je pregled, redesign najbolj uspešnih krojev, detajlov in zanjo značilnih barvnih kombinacij , ki le potrjujejo brezčasnost kreacij oblikovalke Maje Štamol. |
Presenting the collection:
20 yearsFashion design is a reflection of the way of life… it is art, hard work, precision and perfectionism in details. 20 years of creating, designing, tailoring, sewing, experiences… The collection is a review and redesign of the most successful cuts, details and characteristic for her color combinations, which only confirm the timelessness of the creations of designer Maja Štamol. |
foto: Marijo Zupanov