
PON // MON – 7/10


  Vstop z vabilom ali vstopnico // Invitation or ticket only


V novi kolekciji obutve, ki jo na letošnjem Ljubljanskem tednu mode (LJFW) predstavlja Mass, boste videli najbolj vroče trende sezone.

Eden izmed osrednjih trendov te jeseni so čevlji v stilu Mary Jane, ki so že letos spomladi začeli svoj pohod po modni sceni, zdaj pa v jesenskih kolekcijah dosegajo svoj vrhunec. Ta retro klasika se vrača v sodobni preobleki, nekateri modeli so tudi robustnejši, a hkrati izjemno ženstveni. Poleg Mary Jane čevljev so letošnji modni must-have tudi retro superge, ki imajo glavno vlogo v številnih modnih kombinacijah. V ponudbi trgovin Mass najdete različne modele, ki so popolna kombinacija udobja in stila, v stajlinge za vsak dan pa prinašajo nostalgijo, ki je aktualna modna zapoved. Jesen in zima bosta zaznamovani tudi z lakastimi čevlji in čevlji, okrašenimi s kamenčki. Naj gre za balerinke, superge ali salonarje, to so modeli, ki bodo nedvomno pritegnili poglede in poskrbeli za eleganten videz. V hladnejših mesecih nikakor ne smemo spregledati gležnjarjev in škornjev, ki so nepogrešljiv modni kos. V Mass-u najdete tako elegantne modele čevljev za posebne priložnosti kot tudi udobne in praktične gležnjarje in škornje za vsak dan. Na modni pisti letošnjega LJFW Mass spredstavlja tudi čudovite modeli balerink in salonarjev Steve Madden, poleg tega pa celotna predstavljena kolekcija ponuja dober vpogled v to, kaj v novi sezoni ponujajo znamke Liu Jo, Tamaris, Guess, s.Oliver, Les Autres, New Balance, Puma, Victoria UPcollection, ki so poskrbele za sveže, drzne in trendovske modele obutve.


In the new footwear collection presented by Mass shoe retailer at this year’s Ljubljana Fashion Week (LJFW), you will see the hottest trends of the season.

One of the key trends this fall is Mary Jane shoes, which already began their resurgence on the fashion scene this spring and have now reached their peak in fall collections. This retro classic returns in a modern twist, with some models being chunkier yet still extremely feminine. In addition to Mary Jane shoes, this year’s must-have fashion item includes retro sneakers, which take center stage in numerous fashion combinations. In Mass stores, you will find a variety of models that are the perfect blend of comfort and style, bringing a nostalgic touch to everyday outfits, which is the current fashion trend. Fall and winter will also be marked by patent leather shoes and shoes adorned with stones. Whether it’s ballerinas, sneakers, or pumps, these models are sure to catch the eye and ensure an elegant look.

In the colder months, ankle boots and tall boots are essential fashion pieces. At Mass, you can find elegant styles for special occasions as well as comfortable and practical ankle boots and tall boots for everyday wear. On the runway at this year’s LJFW, Mass will also showcase beautiful models of ballerinas and pumps from Steve Madden, and the entire collection provides a great insight into what brands such as Liu Jo, Tamaris, Guess, s.Oliver, Les Autres, New Balance, Puma, Victoria, and UPcollection have to offer for the new season, with fresh, bold, and trendy footwear designs.

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Zavod LJFW // LJFW Institute
Cesta v Kleče 9, 1000 Ljubljana