
PET // FRI — 11/10


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je modni oblikovalec, ki modo dojema kot umetnost. Navdihujejo ga kontrasti med brutalistično arhitekturo v Sloveniji in klasično umetnostjo. Matic velikokrat oblikuje izdelke, ki so bolj umetniške instalacije kot tradicionalna moda. Njegovo delo poudarja rokodelstvo, čustveno povezanost in modo kot umetnino, ki si zasluži mesto v galerijah in muzejih.


is a fashion designer who perceives fashion as art. He is inspired by the contrasts between brutalist architecture in Slovenia and classical art. Matic often creates pieces that are more like art installations than traditional fashion. His work emphasizes craftsmanship, emotional connection, and fashion as an artwork that deserves a place in galleries and museums.

Nova kolekcija, ustvarjena v sodelovanju z znamko Asko, je odličen prikaz pristopa k združevanju kontrastov. V tej kolekciji, kjer se srečata moda in tehnologija Matic uporablja sodobne tehnike, kot je laserski izrez, da ustvari kose, ki prepletajo tehnološko inovativnost z umetniško vizijo. Tako kot v svojem preteklem delu, tudi tokrat spaja nasprotja in ustvarja edinstvene kreacije, ki povezujejo različne svetove. The new collection, created in collaboration with the Asko brand, is an excellent example of the approach to merging contrasts. In this collection, where fashion meets technology, Matic uses modern techniques such as laser cutting to create pieces that blend technological innovation with artistic vision. Just as in his previous work, he once again combines opposites to create unique creations that connect different worlds.

Sodelovanje med ASKO in Maticem Velerjem: Simbioza estetike in funkcionalnosti

Združitev dveh na videz različnih, a v bistvu sorodnih svetov – gospodinjskih aparatov in visoke mode – odpira vrata izjemni sinergiji. ASKO, znan po skandinavski preprostosti, funkcionalnosti in trajnosti, ter Matic Veler, mojster subtilne elegance in inovativnih rešitev, tvorita tandem, ki obljublja navdušujoče rezultate. Matičev prepoznavni slog bi znamki ASKO vdahnil svežino in privabil mlajše generacije, ki cenijo unikatnost in estetiko. Hkrati bi sodelovanje z uveljavljenim modnim oblikovalcem ASKO pozicioniralo kot blagovno znamko, ki presega okvire gospodinjskih aparatov ter se povezuje z umetnostjo in kulturo.

Matičeva široka prepoznavnost bi nedvomno povečala vidnost znamki ASKO na trgu, medtem ko bi sodelovanje z vrhunskim slovenskim oblikovalcem dodatno utrdilo ugled znamke kot premium izbire. Matičeva estetika pa bo pritegnila novo občinstvo, ki sicer morda ne bi razmišljalo o ASKO izdelkih.

Obe strani pa ne povezujeta le estetika in funkcionalnost, temveč tudi zavezanost trajnosti. Tako ASKO kot Matic Veler stremita k ustvarjanju trajnostnih izdelkov, tako z vidika okolja kot tudi dolgotrajne kakovosti. To sodelovanje bi še bolj okrepilo njuno skupno vrednoto trajnosti. Skupaj bi ustvarila edinstveno zgodbo, ki povezuje svet mode, oblikovanja in vsakdanjega življenja skozi vrhunske gospodinjske aparate, ki hkrati navdušujejo z estetiko in funkcionalnostjo.

Collaboration between ASKO and Matic Veler: A Synergy of Aesthetics and Functionality

The merger of two seemingly different but fundamentally related worlds—household appliances and high fashion—opens the door to exceptional synergy. ASKO, known for its Scandinavian simplicity, functionality, and sustainability, and Matic Veler, a master of subtle elegance and innovative solutions, form a tandem that promises exciting results. Matic’s distinctive style would infuse ASKO with freshness and attract younger generations who value uniqueness and aesthetics. At the same time, collaborating with a renowned fashion designer would position ASKO as a brand that transcends the boundaries of household appliances and connects with art and culture.

Matic’s broad recognition would undoubtedly increase ASKO’s visibility in the market, while working with a top Slovenian designer would further solidify the brand’s reputation as a premium choice. Matic’s aesthetic would attract a new audience that might not otherwise consider ASKO products.

Both parties are united not only by aesthetics and functionality but also by a commitment to sustainability. Both ASKO and Matic Veler strive to create sustainable products, both environmentally and in terms of long-lasting quality. This collaboration would further strengthen their shared value of sustainability. Together, they would craft a unique story that connects the worlds of fashion, design, and everyday life through high-quality household appliances that excel in both aesthetics and functionality.

foto: Marijo Zupanov

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