MONOSTALGIKSem sebičen, zato sem več kot pol dekade izdeloval obleke samo zase. Ugotovil sem, da je naokoli čisto preveč ljudi skoraj nagih ali pokritih v plastiko. Sedaj sem začel “one man b(r)and” ki poizkuša “rešiti svet” z izdelavo oblačil z naravnimi materiali. |
MONOSTALGIKI am selfish and for more than half a decade I have made clothes only for myself. Then I discovered that too many people are walking around almost naked or covered in plastic. Now I have started a one man b(r)and trying to “save the world” while making clothes from natural materials. |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
Besedoigra.Wordplay.temna monokromatika, Šelestenje k-roja Skeptičnavečnost šiv Ciklično iskanje… Stvarjanje novega> preblikovanje zastarel |
Presenting the collection:
Besedoigra.Wordplay.Unedited///]£*@;)×(#^;’+×÷=?-,;-:- I don’t think… that this collection have any sense at all. I am slow at making new things. Just remaking/dissecting old patterns from the clothes I have done for myself…. while trying to express to others. Battling with my minimalism and ornate character. Puzzling with looks because can’t see how different items will combine/match with each other. In short: fake sincere pile of colourless clothes with one size fits all in mind. |