
TOR // TUE — 8/10


  Vstop z vabilom ali vstopnico // Invitation or ticket only


Znamka »Renata Bedene« jemlje svoj navdih iz narave, v svojih oblačilih svet rastlin predrugači z rokodelskimi tehnikami in pri izdelavi sledi novim, modernim tehnikam. Znamko odlikujejo detajli in večstranskost, kjer oblačila pogosto  omogočajo možnost raznolike uporabe, tudi transformacije, kar podaljšuje njihovo nosljivost preko meja ene same sezone in kolekcije tako težijo trajnosti. Ni ji tuj sprehod v moško modo a znamko pretežno opredeljuje ženska kolekcija.


“Renata Bedene” brand takes its inspiration from nature and transforms the world of flora in the collections with handicraft techniques, while following new, modern techniques in the production of clothing. The brand is distinguished by details and versatility, with the clothes often allowing for a variety of uses, including transformation, which extends their wearability beyond the boundaries of a single season and collection and thus strives for durability and sustainability. The brand is mainly defined by the women’s collection, but it is no stranger to a stroll through  men’s fashion.

Predstavlja kolekcijo:


Kolekcija jesen-zima 24/25
Prinaša bogatost materialov in oblik, ki ustvarjajo prefinjeno in dramatično estetiko. Zlati pliš in plisirani materiali poudarjajo ekstravaganco, medtem ko je poudarek na naboru tkanin, ki ustvarjajo dinamične in razgibane silhuete. Prosojnost daje občutek lahkotnosti, zračnosti, plapolajoči kosi ustvarjajo gibanje ob vsakem koraku, medtem ko voluminozne silhuete objemajo in grejejo
Barvna paleta te kolekcije prehaja od bogato zlate, pink v temno modre in gozdne odtenke, ki skupaj ustvarjajo bogato, a obenem subtilno kontrastno harmonijo. Kolekcijo zaznamujejo avtorski vzorci, ki kolekciji dodajajo unikatnost in osebni pečat.
Celotna kolekcija izžareva sofisticirano eleganco z igrivimi in inovativnimi elementi, ki se bodo popolnoma zlili z estetiko jesensko-zimskega obdobja.

Presenting the collection:


Autumn-Winter Collection 24/25

It brings a richness of materials and shapes that create a refined and dramatic aesthetic. Golden velvet and pleated fabrics emphasize extravagance, while the focus is on a selection of textiles that create dynamic and flowing silhouettes. Transparency adds a sense of lightness and airiness, while fluttering pieces create movement with every step, and voluminous silhouettes embrace and warm.

The color palette of this collection transitions from rich gold and pink to dark blue and forest tones, together creating a rich yet subtly contrasting harmony. The collection is characterized by signature patterns, adding uniqueness and a personal touch.

The entire collection exudes sophisticated elegance with playful and innovative elements that will perfectly blend with the aesthetics of the autumn-winter season.

foto: Marijo Zupanov

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