SANIJA REJA ASKESanija Reja je slovenska modna oblikovalka, znana po svojih edinstvenih in kulturno navdihnjenih kreacijah. Poleg tega je na Ljubljanskem tednu mode prejela prvo nagrado LJFW WOW (Winner of the Week) za svoje inovativne kolekcije, ki slavijo močne, neodvisne posameznike. Kreacije pod blagovno znamko SANIJA REJA ASKE so opisane kot čarobne, včasih humoristične, in namenjene ljudem, ki želijo izstopati iz množice. Vsaka kolekcija je zgodba zase ali morda celo pravljica. |
SANIJA REJA ASKESanija Reja is a Slovenian fashion designer known for her unique and culturally inspired creations. Additionally, she received the first WOW (Winner of the Week) award at Ljubljana Fashion Week for her innovative collections that celebrate strong, independent individuals. Creations under the brand SANIJA REJA ASKE are described as magical, sometimes humorous, and are designed for people who want to stand out from the crowd. Each collection is a story in itself, or perhaps even a fairy tale. |
SOFIANOGARDPod imenom Sofianogard se podpisuje oblikovalka Mija Curk, ki skozi materiale sestavlja zgodbe brez časa, zavezane etiki in trajnosti. Zgodbe z detajli. Koncept blagovne znamke poskuša zaobiti determinacijo časa. Kolekcije manjših serij torb in oblek se med seboj kombinirajo ter dopolnjujejo in s tem gradijo osebni stil posameznika, ki se ne omejuje na trende, temveč ostaja zvest sebi in svojemu stilu. |
SOFIANOGARDUnder the name Sofianogard, designer Mija Curk crafts timeless stories through materials, dedicated to ethics and sustainability. Stories rich in details. The brand’s concept seeks to transcend the constraints of time. Collections of small series of bags and dresses are designed to mix and complement each other, helping to build a personal style for individuals who are not bound by trends, but remain true to themselves and their own style. |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
BellaBella je kot nočna mora slikarskega romanticizma. Biti živ se ji zdi fascinantno. Predstavljena kolekcija Bella bo preplet unikatnih kosov oblačil pod blagovno znamko SANIJA REJA ASKE in modnih dodatkov SOFIANOGARD. |
Presenting the collection:
BellaBella is like a nightmare from the painting of romanticism. She finds being alive fascinating. The presented Bella collection will intertwine unique clothing pieces under the SANIJA REJA ASKE brand and fashion accessories from SOFIANOGARD. |
foto Sanija: Marijo Zupanov, foto Mija: Nika Furlani