
ČET // THU — 10/10


  Vstop z vabilom ali vstopnico // Invitation or ticket only

SWY brand

je podjetje, ki prodaja pajkice. No, še vrsto drugih izdelkov, ampak zgodba sega dlje. Gre za miselnost oziroma občutke, ki ga SWY želi predati ženskam, pa tudi moškim, ne glede na obdobje in točko v življenju na kateri začnejo.

Pri Swy brandu se trudijo z izdelki in sporočilom omogočiti dobro počutje vsakega posameznika. Pri tem sledijo najnovejšim modnim trendom in se trudijo biti korak pred ostalimi. Kvaliteta in pestrost sta njihovi vrednoti, saj želijo zadovoljiti prav vsakega izmed vas. Kolikor je le možno delujejo v smeri lokalne proizvodnje in ohranjanja narave ter iščejo rešitve, da bi v prihodnosti še bolj sledili temu cilju.

Predvsem ženskam, a tudi moškim, želijo predati miselnost, da se uspeh, zadovoljstvo s samim seboj in dobro počutje začnejo v nas samih, kar ponazarja tudi ime znamke SWY – it Starts With You.

SWY brand

Is a company that sells leggings. Well, a variety of other products too, but the story goes further. It’s about a mindset or feelings that SWY wants to convey to women, as well as men, regardless of the stage or point in life at which they start.

At SWY brand, they strive to promote the well-being of each individual through their products and message. At the same time, we follow the latest fashion trends and try to be one step ahead of others. Quality and variety are our values, as we want to make sure our customers feel valued. We strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

We are driven by the mission that success, self-satisfaction, and well-being begin within ourselves, as the brand name SWY – it Starts With You – illustrates.

Pentlja Concept Store

oziroma Trgovina s konceptom Pentlja je že skoraj 10 let sinonim za mali modni raj. Pri njih je moč najti izbrana oblačila, nakit in ostale modne dodatke, pa tudi zanimiv izbor knjig, dišave in dodatke za dom, in še kaj bi se našlo.

V Pentlji verjamejo, da se med segmentoma povprečnosti množičnih znamk in ekskluzivnosti visoke mode odpira potencial za drugačnost in drznost. Zato tudi stremijo k temu, da je njihova ponudba drugačna, kakovostna in cenovno sprejemljiva. Fokusirani so predvsem na modo, ki prihaja izpod rok neodvisnih in mladih znamk, nadobudnih samostojnih oblikovalcev oziroma oblikovalskih kolektivov iz Slovenije in širše regije, zato se je potrebno zavedati, da tukaj ne gre za t.i. masovno produkcijo, ampak za majhne serije oblačil, kapsulne kolekcije in za unikatne kose.

Pentlja se trenutno nahaja v Kopru, v lobby-ju Grand Koper Hotela. Od jeseni 2024 dalje pa bo Pentljina ponudba ponovno prisotna tudi v Ljubljani, v LJFW shopu.

Pentlja Concept Store

has been synonym for a small fashion paradise for almost 10 years now. At Pentlja you can find carefully selected clothes, jewelry and other fashion accessories as well as an interesting selection of books, fragrances and some home accessories, and more…

In Pentlja, they believe that there is a potential for diversity and boldness between the segments of mediocrity of mass brands and exclusivity of high/high-end fashion. So they strive for their offer to be different, high quality and affordable. Their main focus is in fashion from independent and young fashion brands, emerging independent designers or design collectives from Slovenia and wider region, so it is necessary to realize that this is not about the so-called mass production, but about small series of clothes, capsule collections, and one-of-a-kind pieces.

Pentlja can be found in Koper, more accurately in the lobby of Grand Koper Hotel. From this autumn, Pentlja will also be available in Ljubljana again, at LJFW shop.

Predstavlja kolekcijo:


V osrčju te kolekcije je moč žensk – njihova strast, samozavest in lepota, ki izžareva skozi udobnost. Oblikovana za sodobno žensko, ki se zaveda svoje moči in elegance. Kolekcija združuje močne linije, materiale in subtilne, a odločne detajle.

Oblačila v tej kolekciji ne poudarjajo le estetike, temveč tudi udobnost, ki omogoča ženski, da ostane osredotočena na tisto, kar jo najbolj navdihuje. Izbrane tkanine nežno objamejo telo in se prilagajajo vsakemu gibu, kar odraža naravno lepoto in svobodo.

Kolekcija izžareva žensko samozavest, ki je v središču sodobne mode.

Presenting the collection:


Power of women is the main focus of this collection – their passion, confidence and beauty which radiates through comfort. Designed for a modern woman who is aware of her strength and elegance. The collection combines strong lines, materials and subtle yet decisive details.

The clothes in this collection emphasize not only aesthetics, but also comfort, which allows a woman to stay focused on what inspires her most. The selected fabrics gently hug the body and adapt to every movement, reflecting natural beauty and freedom.

The collection exudes female confidence, which is at the heart of modern fashion.

foto: Mateja Šafhalter, Jesse Stefane

Vse pravice pridržane // Copyright © 2024 // All rights reserved.

Zavod LJFW // LJFW Institute
Cesta v Kleče 9, 1000 Ljubljana