TANJA UVERABlagovna znamka »Tanja Uvera« temelji na unikatnih pleteninah. Zaradi trajnostne ozaveščenosti večino oblačil izdela po meri. Naročnik iz kolekcje izbere izhodiščni look, ki ga Tanja prilagodi barvno in stilsko. Svoj atelje ima v starem delu Maribora. Navdih za kolekcije najde v trenutnem družbenem dogajanju, odnosu med ljudmi, barvno inspiracijo pa v ljudeh in naravi. V brezčasne pletenine spleta duh časa in dodaja stilske elemente, ki podpisujejo “fun in fashion”. Tokrat sodeluje s hčerko Lucijo Uvera, ki je kolekcijo dopolnila s subkulturnimi modnimi dodatki. |
TANJA UVERAThe brand “Tanja Uvera” is based on unique knitted fabrics. Due to her sustainable awareness, she customizes most of the clothing. The client chooses the initial look from the collection, which Tanja adjusts in terms of color and style. Her studio is located in the old part of Maribor. She finds inspiration for her collections in current social events, relationships between people, and color inspiration in people and nature. In timeless knits, she weaves the spirit of the times and adds stylish elements that sign “fun in fashion.” This time she collaborates with her daughter Lucija Uvera, who has complemented the collection with subcultural fashion accessories. |
foto: Marijo Zupanov