THE BASE LABEL Dobrodošli v svetu The Base Label, kjer je trajnost v središču vsega, kar počnemo. Kot napredna modna znamka smo zavezani k pozitivnemu vplivu na planet, medtem ko ponujamo trajnostne in brezčasne alternative za vašo garderobo. Pri The Base Label dajemo prednost uporabi 100% organskega bombaža in drugih naravnih materialov v vseh naših kolekcijah. Od 100% GOTS certificiranega organskega bombaža do etično pridobljene volne in bambusa, vsako tkanino skrbno izberemo, da zagotovimo trajnost in zmanjšamo vpliv na okolje. |
THE BASE LABELWelcome to The Base Label world, where sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. As a forward-thinking fashion brand, we are committed to making a positive impact on the planet while offering sustainable timeless alternatives for your wardrobe. At The Base Label we prioritize the use of 100% Organic cotton and other natural materials in all our collections. From 100% GOTS certified organic cotton to ethically sourced wool and bamboo, each fabric is carefully selected to ensure sustainability and minimize environmental impact. |
Predstavlja kolekcijo:
“Meet me in Paris”Kolekcija “Meet Me in Paris” prinaša esenco pariškega šika z brezčasnimi osnovnimi kosi, zasnovanimi za hladne jesenske in zimske dni. Navdihnjena z romantično atmosfero pariških ulic in prefinjenostjo francoske mode, ta kolekcija združuje preprostost z eleganco in omogoča vsakemu posamezniku, da izrazi svoj edinstven stil, s klasičnimi kosi. Partner:VIVA’S je trajnostno naravnana blagovna znamka, ki je na trgu prisotna že deveto leto. Pri Viva’s smo se kot eni prvih na našem malem trgu uprli potrošniško naravnanim konceptom ter začeli s trajnostno vizijo, ko je bila ta ideologija še povsem v povojih. Znamka Viva’s je sinonim za kakovostne in brezčasne usnjene torbe. Naši izdelki so ustvarjeni premišljeno in z veliko mero pozornosti do detajlov. Viva’s torbe so narejene etično, v Sloveniji iz najbolj kakovostnega usnja, v večini rastlinsko strojenega. Ustvarjamo kose z mislijo na prihodnost in z željo, da jih nosite za vedno. |
Presenting the collection:
“Meet me in Paris”The “Meet Me in Paris” collection brings the essence of Parisian chic with timeless basic pieces designed for the cold autumn and winter days. Inspired by the romantic atmosphere of Parisian streets and the sophistication of French fashion, this collection combines simplicity with elegance, allowing everyone to express their unique style through classic pieces. Partner:VIVA’S is a sustainability-oriented brand that has been present on the market for nine years. At Viva’s, we were among the first in our small market to resist consumer-driven concepts and embrace a sustainable vision when this ideology was still in its infancy. The Viva’s brand is synonymous with high-quality, timeless leather bags. Our products are created thoughtfully, with great attention to detail. Viva’s bags are made ethically in Slovenia, using the finest quality leather, mostly vegetable-tanned. We create pieces with the future in mind, with the desire for you to carry them forever. |
foto: Nike Koležnik